Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Burritos for Jesus?

You may be wondering what breakfast burritos have to do with Jesus. 

Well, my friend, lucky for you I'm going to tell you. Ransom and I have been brainstorming and trying to come up with ideas for outreach in our community. *Light bulb* Let's make some breakfast burritos and take them to some businesses in the community. We thought this might be a great way to get the Gracepointe name out there.

Step one: Visit different businesses and get their permission to bring in breakfast (their choice of day and time) for their employees. 

All we asked them to do was allow us to leave some tracts from our church and a paper saying who donated the breakfast. Overall we were received with enthusiasm!

Step two: Go shopping and get all the ingredients. 

The reason we went with breakfast burritos was because...well...it's cheap.

Step three: Avengers assemble!..oh wait. Never mind.

Step three: burritos assemble. 

I found this recipe on Pinterest (which you can see here). I didn't use bacon because, let's face it, bacon's expensive. Plus that's two meats! I did throw in some hash browns though. It was a nice filler. I rolled each burrito in foil to keep them warm. Then I placed them into a container (in this case a throw away foil one for easy clean up). We also took some coffee, which we may skip next time as many businesses already provide coffee for their employees.

Step four: Deliver. 

We would arrive at the previously appointed time, drop off the burritos and coffee, and leave our tracts. Later that day we went back and picked up the coffee container and left over tracts.

Ransom had several people talk to him about what the tract said and some were interested in visiting one of our meetings. Keep praying for the Lord to work in the hearts of those who received the breakfast.

Another day we made some mini muffins, put them in a ziplock bags, and taped our tracts to them. Then while school was letting out, we passed them out to hungry teens on their way home. What teen is going to pass up free food? Well, only a few girls. Needless to say the boys were delighted. (yes, I said delighted).

Do you have any ideas for outreach? I'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Saturday Adventures

I can't believe I haven't posted anything since March! Aahhh! This past Saturday Ransom and I were finally able to go to a few yard sales. We downloaded a new yard sale app that my sister told me about so we were excited about getting to use it. We had seen a sign for a yard sale the night before so that is the first place we headed (it was closest). Along the way we saw several other signs and stopped at those. We didn't even need a paper! It ended up being a very successful day, and we bought a lot more than we planned. Here are a few of the deals!

Strong's Bible Concordance-50 cents
Blank notebook-50 cents
DVD player for Haiti-10 dollars
Cord-75 cents
The Beatles 'Love Songs' includes record, sleeve, and book of lyrics-5 dollars (hoping to resell this)

Adventures in Odyssey 4 pack CDs-1 dollar
Charlotte's Web Hard Back Book-50 cents

Bag-5 cents
White belt-10 cents
Black belt-10 cents

Dog toy-1 dollar (notice I barely got a picture before they took it away. They LOVE it!)

Blue and white beach chair-3 dollars
Blue and green beach chair-50 cents

We had a lot of fun finding deals and probably a few things we didn't need, but it was fun nonetheless. I love going to yard sales with my husband. I feel he has come so far in being frugal and finding deals. He's the best! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Try This Burger

Who doesn't love a good, juicy hamburger? Well, me for one but that's beside the point. Ransom had been craving a really good hamburger so I went online to find one. This is what I found.

Picture from link below

Ransom said it was delicious. Our toppings were plenty, but the burger itself was tasty.


  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Onion
  • Peppers
  • Mushrooms
  • Avocado
  • Pickles
  • Bacon
  • Fried egg

Note: Do not eat this very often or you will have an early death. Special occasions, people.

Check it out here:


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Breakfast Heaven

A few weeks back my church started a men's Bible study on Saturday morning. Each month someone volunteers to bring in breakfast, and it happened to be me! I was trying to think of something easy, cheap, and fast. I found this recipe on Pinterest. If you are going to make this, make sure you have people to share it with or you will eat it all yourself.

I made the eggs and bacon ahead of time so I wouldn't have to get up extremely early to cook them. In the morning, I just threw it all together. The only thing that needed to cook in the oven was the rolls. Make sure the center is warm before you pull it out though!


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lifestyle: Challenge #1

This week I am starting something new in my life. Something that benefits me and a few others around me. Something that isn't a new concept. It's actually often very popular and talked about. I'm not calling it a diet though. I'm calling it a lifestyle. Diets end. According to the dictionary, a lifestyle is the way a person lives to one's own ability. Eating healthy and exercising needs to be a lifestyle, not something that happens for a month.

Lifestyle changes happen one at a time, a little at a time. Start small. Make progress slowly.

This week I challenge you to drink more water. Simple, right? Start small.

Good luck!

Monday, March 5, 2012

About Me

By the grace of God, I am what I am. My name is Ashley Maggard, and I am blessed beyond measure. I have two loving, Christian parents and one sister. The great thing about having a sister is that I always have a friend. I graduated from The Crown College, and I am married to a wonderful, God-fearing man. We were married on May 28, 2011.God has been so good to me.

I grew up in a Christian home. So naturally I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday (oh, and don’t forget the special meetings!), but this did nothing to save me. Being born into a Christian home did nothing to save me. I came to the realization that I was a sinner. I needed Christ. I received Jesus Christ into my heart at the age of nine. God is so good. I’m learning to praise God not for what He does, but for who He is.

If you’re wondering why I started this blog, it’s not to put my life on display for the public. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I’m a private person. I started this blog…..

1. For my family and friends.
2. Because in May of 2011, I graduated from college AND got married.
3. Because in June of 2011, I moved away from my friends and family.
4. So my family and friends can know what I’m doing and keep up with me if they want.
5. To record some things that have helped me and will hopefully help others.
6. To give a glimpse into my world.
7. To have some fun.

Am I a great writer? Heavens, no! But my desire is that we can learn something together and share ideas through this blog.

Moving In

This is my first post on this blog. I will be using this one from now on. If you have recently started following me, check out my old blog for previous post. But don't stray too far since we're just getting started here!
